The all-in-one OxyPerm Permeation/OTR System is the ideal solution when you want to begin or expand your oxygen permeation

OxyPerm Oxygen Permeation System

The all-in-one OxyPerm Permeation/OTR System is the ideal solution when you want to begin or expand your oxygen permeation capabilities and capacity without breaking the budget. By bringing your OTR testing in-house; you control the cost, consistency, and calendar.

With the OxyPerm Permeation/OTR System, users are able to conduct an unlimited number of permeation tests, simultaneously, on films, bottles and finished packages. And with the emphasis on improvements in package cost and performance, this new resource can be the solution to your lab requirements!


Industry : Packaging
Gas : Oxygen
Complies with : ASTM standard F3136-15
Features & Benefits
Real time data—graphs and logs
Integrated report writer
SampleTracker™ sample management software
Easy to use, touch screen operation (on OxySense 5250i)
No annual maintenance or calibration
High performance/low cost


OTR measurements on films and packages
Package material and design evaluation
Closure Design and Evaluation
Quality Control and Assurance
Research and Development
Competitive Analysis
Headspace and dissolved O2 testing

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