<p>Two-Color- or Ratio- Pyrometers are typical names for pyrometers which measure temperatures from the ratio of radiation signals of two adjacent wavelengths</p>

Two-Color- or Ratio- Pyrometers are typical names for pyrometers which measure temperatures from the ratio of radiation signals of two adjacent wavelengths as opposed to measuring the absolute intensity like single wavelength units do. The advantages for customers are the following:

  • Gray bodies, i.e., targets with the same emissivity on both wavelengths, can be measured without emissivity setting.
  • There is automatic compensation for dust, smoke or a dirty viewing window between pyrometer and target.
  • Temperature errors are minimized if the target is too small or moving and the field of measurement can’t be completely covered.

Two Color, Ratio, Dual Wavelength THERMOMETERS

  • Measure the weighted peak temperature in the field of view.
    • Tolerate up to 99% blockage of the IR Sensor’s cone of vision
    • Unaffected by dust and other contaminants in the field of view
    • Unaffected by moving targets within the field of view
    • Unaffected by dirty viewing windows
  • Independent of target emissivity (generally)
  • Low temperature measurements starting at 300° C



1 Color 2 Color
Dependant on “e” for accurate readings Compensates for “e”
Must fulfill FOV takes avg. temperature of spot Sees through dirty windows/atmosphere
Highest accuracy in controlled environments Higher accuracy within wide temperature ranges
Flexibility of spectral response selection

Measures smallest targets but only offered with temp. ranges above 300° C

Lower price Higher price


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