นวัตกรรมเครื่องตรวจวัดฝุ่น DynaCHARGE

Aluminum Plant Invests in Preventive Particulate Monitoring and Control Solutions

Aluminum - Secondary Aluminum

Aluminum Plant Invests in Preventive Particulate Monitoring and Control Solutions

“นวัตกรรมเครื่องตรวจวัดฝุ่น DynaCHARGE ด้วยอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ตรวจวัดฝุ่นที่ท้าทายเครื่องตรวจวัดฝุ่นแบบเดิม”
โรงงานอลูมิเนียมลงทุนครั้งใหญ่กับเทคโนโลยีการควบคุมและตรวจวัดฝุ่น ที่อาจส่งผลต่อสิ่งแวดล้อมในวงกว้าง และทำให้คุณภาพอากาศแย่ลง ทั้งนี้การลงทุนเทคโนโลยีตรวจวัดฝุ่นตอบสนองต่อโอกาสทางการตลาดที่เพิ่มขึ้นในอุตสาหกรรมยานยนต์

เครื่องตรวจวัดฝุ่น DynaCHARGE จากผู้ผลิตรายใหญ่ FilterSense ใช้การตรวจวัดฝุ่นด้วยอนุภาคที่เป็นสื่อกระแสไฟฟ้า จึงมั่นใจได้ว่าสารกัดกร่อน และความชื้น หรือปัญหาฝุ่นละออง จะหมดไป ด้วยเครื่องตรวจวัดฝุ่นที่มีประสิทธิภาพมากขึ้น

A leading producer of rolled aluminum, and the largest recycler of aluminum in the world, has made major investments to increase capacity and technology. These investments were in response to growing market opportunities in the automotive industry.

Increasing production at a large facility comes with challenges. With a strong commitment to the community and environment, this plant took proactive steps to ensure 7 baghouse processes and stacks complied with US-EPA MACT. Existing triboelectric broken bag detectors and monitoring software were unreliable and not well supported by the manufacturer. This created a compliance risk and the potential for production disruptions. Being proactive, the plant pursued technology that would not just meet MACT but would be best available for the environment and community, while at the same time improving plant efficiency to meet expansion goals. A supplier that could provide high quality support was a must.


A leading producer of rolled aluminum, and the largest recycler of aluminum in the world, has made major investments to increase capacity and technology. These investments were in response to growing market opportunities in the automotive industry. “We think there’s a lot of opportunity to invest in the future.” - Company CEO

Increasing production at a large facility comes with challenges. With a strong commitment to the community and environment, this plant took proactive steps to ensure 7 baghouse processes and stacks complied with US-EPA MACT. Existing triboelectric broken bag detectors and monitoring software were unreliable and not well supported by the manufacturer. This created a compliance risk and the potential for production disruptions. Being proactive, the plant pursued technology that would not just meet MACT but would be best available for the environment and community, while at the same time improving plant efficiency to meet expansion goals. A supplier that could provide high quality support was a must.


“DynaCHARGE particulate monitors replace unreliable triboelectric broken bag detectors.”

It was determined that replacing all existing triboelectric monitors and software was the best solution. FilterSense was selected based on their superior particle charge induction technology and expertise to support large projects.

The scope of supply included 4 DynaCHARGE™ particulate monitors with filter leak locating and 3 B-PACs™ (Baghouse Performance Analyzer & Controller) – each with particulate monitoring and leak locating. Additionally, 2 DynaCHARGE powder flow monitors for neutralizing injection lines were installed. All systems were integrated into FilterWARE™ HMI/SCADA software, which is upgradeable to include automated EPA reporting. FilterSense also provided comprehensive on-site support including pre-project engineering, commissioning, training, and on-site systems integration to network the new solutions into existing automation systems.

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