เครื่องมือทดสอบการรั่วของสายยาง ท่อยาง ทางการแพทย์ Multi-Lumen Catheters Leak Test

Multi-Lumen Catheters Leak Test
เครื่องมือทดสอบการรั่วของสายยาง ท่อยาง ทางการแพทย์  Multi-Lumen Catheters Leak Test

Multi-lumen catheters leak and flow testing

Testing Multi-Lumen Catheters
A medical device manufacturer of a variety of catheter configurations required high-resolution, accurate, repeatable leak and flow test results. Testing must be performed on each lumen of the catheter and the results reported by the lumen.

In addition, the test instrument must have the flexibility to create separate pass/fail criteria for various lumens and be able to accommodate both male or female luer inputs and straight tube input.

For this customer, TME designed a unique instrument that met all the criteria.

This specific Seven Port Sequential TME Solution™ is a customized instrument that may be programed to test from one to seven ports operating in a sequential process. This enables the instrument to test up to seven lumens on a single catheter. Each channel may be selected to run either leak alone, flow alone or flow followed by leak tests. When the flow tests are selected all flow tests are performed prior to running any leak tests.

Used with a Sealing Fixture to accept the distal end of the catheter, this customer’s Solution is configured to accept up to four (4) female or male luer proximal inputs and up to three (3) straight tubes. Test data is presented in a listed display where decay pressure and flow results are shown.


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