Environmental Compliance

Environmental Compliance Monitoring

Triboelectric particulate matter measurement technology is proven to be the most reliable and cost effective, and sometime the only practical technology for particle flow monitoring. Its proven capabilities means it is the particulate matter emissions monitoring technology recommended by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Benefits: Emissions Compliance Assurance

With ever-increasing emissions limits across all industries and applications some older technologies can no longer reach compliance with current or future emissions standards. However, using Auburn’s TRIBO line of dust detectors facilities can achieve compliance with standards issued by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) along with other State and Local air permitting authorities. The EPA even recognizes the Auburn line of monitors as acceptable for use as Bag Leak Detectors for compliance with their strict MACT application standards (Maximum Achievable Control Technology) as well as Title V (CAM) compliance monitoring rule for processing.

Switching to the use of triboelectric monitoring as part of a facility’s CAM plans also simplifies the reporting process. By automating the emissions data collection and recording process Auburn’s TRIBO units eliminate the need to conduct daily visual stack inspections (EPA Methods 9 or 22 for opacity) or the daily logging of differential pressure readings for each dust collector in the facility.

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