Leaks determines integrity while flow identifies if an obstruction exists

ทำไมต้องทดสอบการรั่วซึม และการไหลของชิ้นส่วนยานยนต์ Why test for leak and flow in automotive components?

Testing for leaks determines the integrity of the component, testing for flow determines the actual flow rate and identifies if an obstruction exists.

Pressure decay test: An inflation leak test in which a non-porous component is pressurized to a preset level.  After the pressure has stabilized, the decay in pressure over a preset time is evaluated to determine if a leak is present.

Vacuum decay test: Similar to the Pressure decay test, except a preset vacuum is established inside the component, and the decay in the vacuum over a preset time is evaluated to determine if a leak is present.

Leak testing as a science has come a long way from submerging your product in water and observing the bubbles that rise. If you are new to leak and flow testing, or if you feel that you need your vocabulary refreshed, we strongly recommend that you take a few minutes and browse through our Leak, Flow and Package Testing 101 course.

Leak Testers and Flow Testers for Automotive Component Manufacturers

We at TME understand that implementing a leak test system for automotive component manufacturers often requires some creative problem solving. The TME engineers and designers have dealt with issues involving minimizing testing time, integrating the leak tester into automated production equipment and designing fixtures to specifically accommodate the component being tested. 

Mass Flow Testers

Mass flow testing is a valid method for identifying occlusions in an open-ended test part such as a hose or tube. Any obstructions in the part will restrict the flow of air through the device, thereby causing the part to fail the test. The TME Solution© and the MDT-100 Leak and Flow Tester can be programmed to perform flow tests for occlusions.

In certain circumstances, either pressure decay or mass flow testers can be used for leak testing. Depending on the size of the leak you are searching for (and the volume of your product), mass flow leak testers can have several advantages, including speed of test (1-2 seconds, rather than the longer time required for the pressure decay fill, settle, test cycle). The mass flow test is not dependent on temperature or air density, which may be a difficulty for the pressure decay test. Our experts will assess your needs and recommend the most efficient solution that fits your testing needs.

With our many years of experience in component level leak test systems, our Applications Specialists can help you determine the most appropriate leak test system (leak tester, accessories and/or fixtures) for your product to ensure that you receive the best possible value for your investment and comply with applicable industrial standards.

Contact Ph: 02-030-5852 for more detail

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