Food Trays

Retort Food Trays Seal Testing

Seal strength of retortable food trays.

Problem: The customer produces prepared meals that are packaged into two-well thermoform trays sealed at the outside edge and across the well partition with food-grade film.

TME was asked to provide a seal strength test system that would provide information on which cell’s seals will rupture first under stress, and also whether that rupture would occur at the partition or at the outside seal.

Image shows retortable food tray test fixture.

The test system consisted of the TME BT-1000 Automated Package Tester, a sensor and inflation probe, and the Package-Port™ leak tight entry system. Valves built into the test probe enabled separate and concurrent inflation seal strength tests to be performed on each of the two wells.

This system provided the customer with the necessary information quickly, repeatably and with no operator influence. This TME Solution Leak Test System is designed to perform a pressure decay test on the right and left sides of EGR valve housings.

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