Food Perishable Vent Rate

Test perishable food container to confirm vent rate.

Problem: The customer manufactures cylindrical paper containers for perishable food. In order to maintain the quality of the food for its shelf life, specifications for the vent rate of gas through the cylinder had been determined by the manufacturer.

The customer already had a fixture designed to hold the cylinder for testing, and TME was asked to provide a way to confirm that the manufactured cylinders met these vent rate specifications before filling and sealing.

Resolution: The TME Solution™ four-port test instrument was configured to perform concurrent flow tests on four cylinders at a time.

The cylinders, already sealed at one end, were sealed at the fixture and a flow test was performed. If the rate of flow of pressurizing gas through the permeable paper was above or below the acceptable range indicated by the customer’s specifications, the container was rejected.

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