Liquid Solids Control

Get to know the world's most reliable & accurate Process Refractometers today.
Regardless of process conditions and limits - this process refractometer is pioneed for unique innovation without compromise, sophistication while maintaining user simplicity, and superb service to our extremely wide customer base.
Imaging how easy life is going to be if a process refractometer is extremely universal and can create custom flow devices so it can be adapted to any industrial process line.

Major industries: Pulp and Paper, Semiconductor, Food/Beverage, Sugar, Dairy, Chemical/Petro-Chemical are our satisfied customer.
Shopping for Black Liquor Density Meters, Brix meters or Concentration sensors. We have continuous In-Line measurement of concentration / liquid density in relevant engineering units. (% by Weight, % Solids, Brix, Refractive Index, Baume, etc)

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